Make Sure Your Pet Is in Safe Hands
Our Emergency and Critical Care services are always available for your pet, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. We pride ourselves on providing high quality technology to help diagnosis and treat our patients while also making sure that they are as comfortable and pain-free as possible.
If you pet is experiencing an emergency, please bring them in right away. You do not need to schedule an appointment - we are ready for you at any time.
Visit our hospital right away!

Types of Pet Emergencies that require Immediate Attention:
- Abnormal or difficulty breathing
- Blue, white or pale color gums
- Sudden collapse
- Seizures
- Burns
- Snake bites
- High temperature accompanied with extreme panting
- Vomiting blood
- Broken limbs
- Consumption of non-food material (trash, leftovers, parts of toys, etc)
- Injury to an eye
- Painful abdomen
- Inability to defecate or urinate